Former Minister & Airoli MLA Ganesh Naik inaugurated "Suyog Smruti Chashak 2022" - a cricket tournament organised by social activist Sheetal Bhoir at Juhugaon. Even as opposition is busy trying to play politics with intent to disturb team BJP; a confident and relaxed Ganesh Naik batted a few balls at the tournament. Is his address, he said, "In the battle between "One Goal, One Objective" and politics; the winner will always be the former."
Former Minister & Airoli MLA Ganesh Naik inaugurated "Suyog Smruti Chashak 2022" - a cricket tournament organised by social activist Sheetal Bhoir at Juhugaon. Even as opposition is busy trying to play politics with intent to disturb team BJP; a confident and relaxed Ganesh Naik batted a few balls at the tournament. Is his address, he said, "In the battle between "One Goal, One Objective" and politics; the winner will always be the former."
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