With eye on BMC polls, the CM Uddhav Thackeray led Maha Vikas Aghadi has announced property tax on residential units of up to 500 sq ft, located within the Mumbai municipal area limits, will be waived off. However, a similar proposal that was announced by Ganesh Naik in July 2019 and approved by the General Body of NMMC chaired by the then Mayor J D Sutar, has still not been approved by the government. Blasting the Maha Vikas Aghadi for their "step brotherly" treatment with Navi Mumbai; Ganesh Naik has demanded that the proposal they approved in NMMC must be implemented for Navi Mumbai.
With eye on BMC polls, the CM Uddhav Thackeray led Maha Vikas Aghadi has announced property tax on residential units of up to 500 sq ft, located within the Mumbai municipal area limits, will be waived off. However, a similar proposal that was announced by Ganesh Naik in July 2019 and approved by the General Body of NMMC chaired by the then Mayor J D Sutar, has still not been approved by the government. Blasting the Maha Vikas Aghadi for their "step brotherly" treatment with Navi Mumbai; Ganesh Naik has demanded that the proposal they approved in NMMC must be implemented for Navi Mumbai.
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