To mark Prime Minister Narendra Modi's birthday, many country welfare initiatives have been launched across India. One such initiative is the Swachh Amrit Mahotsav that aims of taking the campaign of cleanliness across cities in the country. In Navi Mumbai, NMMC's Swachh Mahotsav got a phenomenal start with the presence of former Minister and Airoli MLA Ganesh Naik. In his address to youth and children, he appealed to Navi Mumbaikars to join the campaign with such commitment that the emerges as the cleanest city of India.
To mark Prime Minister Narendra Modi's birthday, many country welfare initiatives have been launched across India. One such initiative is the Swachh Amrit Mahotsav that aims of taking the campaign of cleanliness across cities in the country. In Navi Mumbai, NMMC's Swachh Mahotsav got a phenomenal start with the presence of former Minister and Airoli MLA Ganesh Naik. In his address to youth and children, he appealed to Navi Mumbaikars to join the campaign with such commitment that the emerges as the cleanest city of India.
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