Today Navi Mumbai celebrated the birthday of its tallest leader. Born in Bonkode village in Navi Mumbai, Ganesh Naik is Agri community’s most powerful leader in the state. His leadership has earned Navi Mumbai recognition both nationally and globally.
Evidently, he shares an unbreakable bond with Navi Mumbai that came to life today as a massive turn-out of well-wishers, party-workers and citizens met him to greet him on his birthday.
Today Navi Mumbai celebrated the birthday of its tallest leader. Born in Bonkode village in Navi Mumbai, Ganesh Naik is Agri community’s most powerful leader in the state. His leadership has earned Navi Mumbai recognition both nationally and globally.
Evidently, he shares an unbreakable bond with Navi Mumbai that came to life today as a massive turn-out of well-wishers, party-workers and citizens met him to greet him on his birthday.
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